01 Jun

Senusha Naicker is a 25 year old South African Tamil artist, who has been painting for the last 12 years. Her art is mainly centred around human interaction with culture, animals and the environment. Most of her inspiration has been fuelled by her Paatti (grandmother), who has instilled a sense of pride for the Tamil culture in all her grandchildren. This was the inspiration for Senusha to create and establish KALAY VEEDU, the house of art. KALAY VEEDU aims to build a collection of textiles, garments and crafts centred around original fine art pieces. KALAY VEEDU draws from the beauty, people and philosophy of the Tamil culture to create a unique voice that combines art and community.

you find more of her work on https://instagram.com/kalayveedu?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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